All the data or selected data in EZ-base can be easily exported as a .txt or an XML file. The data can then be used as input for your internal activities and/or for various types of publications.

You can also export the data as a PDF file. You can see briefly whether everything has been entered correctly. For example this is useful just before printing a high-resolution catalogue or adding something to a quote.

You can also export related products (recommended purchases).

EZ-base can convert the data to be used without exporting for publication. A few of the frequently required uses are offered as an additional service.

This includes publishing printed catalogues, digitisation of your catalogue or folder for your website, adding promotions to EZ-web and linking the product data to your online shop, through to delivering complete websites and/or online shops.

The advantages of having EZ-base provide these services:

  • No additional software company required.
  • Data can be implemented one-on-one without further mapping.
  • Experience with these services.
  • Consultation services regarding entering data for the specific publication.
  • Saves time.
  • Reduces costs.