In 2006, purchasing organisations Ferney Group, Transferro and Zevij-Necomij together with distributor Destil joined forces to strengthen their product and content management activities. Together they have formed EZ-base with Transferro joining in 2009 as a shareholder. Destil sold its shares to Menouquin in 2012 with which EZ-base was able to set foot on Belgium soil. Originally collecting information in the metal parts and equipment industry, EZ-base currently has grown to cover the construction, paint and automotive industries. Within these lines of business in 2017 Copagro (paint) has joined EZ-base as shareholder.
EZ-base (“easy-base”) is a web-based platform that meets supply and demand within the industries. The database includes a representative selection of the most prominent suppliers. These suppliers are often asked to provide information in various formats to specialist retailers, while specialist retailers spend quite some time requesting data from all their suppliers. EZ-base was developed to take over these tasks. This means both suppliers and specialist retailers have more free time for other tasks.