Catalogues, price lists, folders, magazines, special offer folders, etc. We can make sure your customers can flip the pages of any publications on your website to ensure the publication attracts customers. A great solution to display your printed matter digitally!

We can include various types of links in the publication:

  • Deep links: the products in your browsable publication are linked to product data on your website. The corresponding website or online shop information is displayed when a customer clicks on the deep link.
  • Page links: page numbers (for example, in the Table of Contents) are linked to the corresponding pages. The corresponding page is displayed when a customer clicks on the page link.
  • Web links: the website or email addresses in your publication are linked to the corresponding websites or to the customer’s e-mail application. The corresponding website or email application will be opened ready for sending emails.

It is possible to embed your publication on your own website, see an example here.