Contactpagina telefoon

Telephone number
e-mail address

Our telephone number
and e-mail address is:
+44 (0) 1392 – 57 64 65

Opening hours

Monday – Friday
08:30 – 17:00

Contactpagina locatie


Office F02
Exeter Science Park
6 Babbage Way, Exeter

Parking facilities

EZ-base has on-site parking.
A charging point is available.


My EZ-base

If you are an EZ-base user, please use My EZ-base to communicate with the team.
You find My EZ-base here.

My EZ-base login

To be able to use My EZ-base you need to have a login.
If you don’t have a login, please request an account here.

© Guy Newman.20.06.2017. GV's of exterior of Exeter Science Park