The ideal description does not exist, but there are ways to achieve the best possible result. With the tips below you will notice that your results can improve considerably.
A valuable asset description is:
- As short as possible
- Relevant
- Specifically
In principle, there is no minimum or maximum length for the description of a link or image. The advice is to keep it as short as possible. Sometimes a single word may be sufficient, sometimes several words are needed. Think of the relevance, by using the words that best describe which page or information is specifically referred to.
It is not negative if the company name is given. On the contrary, it can even be positive (branding).
From an SEO perspective, it seems tempting to fill links, file names or image descriptions with the most important search terms a website wants to be found on.
However, keep in mind that Google searches for signals that may indicate artificial search engine optimization (spam). And one of those signals? Always the same descriptions for different links, file names or image descriptions. This lowers the ranking in the search results.
Make variation in the terms in the descriptions for links, filenames and images. This creates a more natural looking link profile, while being short, relevant and specific enough to tell the visitor what it’s all about.
Unfortunately, you have less control over incoming links to your website from external websites. The same goes for file name descriptions and image descriptions. Therefore, make sure that your internal links, file names and image descriptions on your own website(s) are properly filled.
Consult with each other (suppliers, customers and other website managers who share the same content) to discuss how everyone in the chain can do his or her bit to offer the (end) user an optimal experience.
Please note: with the asset import in EZ-base you can only give one description to an asset. In the data import file you can theoretically add several descriptions to 1 image. However, these cannot be imported.